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Jokainen osto tukee koulutus- ja ympäristötyötämme

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Jokainen Heart of Argyll Wildlifen kaupasta tehty ostos auttaa rahoittamaan paikallisyhteisössämme tekemämme koulutus- ja ympäristötyötä.

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07827 965010 / 07932 680521

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OSCR nro SC047167

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Tweety Birds

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Product Details

A very common sight in our gardens and countryside, even cities; Scotlands bird species.

We have many different kind of cuddly tweety birds: European Blackbird, Tawny Owl, Blue Tit, Eurasion Jay, Peregrine Falcon, Great Spottet Woodpecker, and European Goldfinch.

Visiting the Centre, you might spot some of the mentioned species.

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Tweety Birds
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